A project focused on health and people

We are a family-run company committed to our heritage and history, as well as to people’s health and wellbeing, through responsible production and consumption.

Our history


How it all began

Francisco Pons Martí starts his business at the Lonja de Valencia purchasing products such as peanuts, tiger nuts and beans.




We install the first machines for cleaning, shelling, and sorting nuts and dried fruit. Our industrialisation begins.



Second generation

The second generation of the family joins the organisational structure: Paco and Juan Antonio Pons Alcoy, Francisco’s sons.



Importaco is born

We set up Importaco S.L. We decide to focus on the dried fruit market and give up commercialising pulses.



Sales development

We launch the Sales Development Plan based on Cash & Carry and open 18 centres across Spain.



Hechos al Sol

We create the brand Hechos al Sol, which is created with the aim of supplying modern distribution in the last decade of the 20th century.


Third generation

The third generation of the family joins the company, focusing on new markets and objectives for the 21st century, which is about to begin.


Casa Pons is born

We create the Casa Pons brand and develop a plan to produce and package in new formats needed by the retail sector.




We acquire the Polish company Domat to boost international development. At the same time, we sign the Family Protocol.


Mineral water

We purchase shares in the mineral water company Aguas de Cortes in order to diversify our business.


New Technological Centre

We open our Technology Centre as a commitment to generating knowledge and innovation applied to healthy eating.


Generational change

We begin the generational changeover at Importaco: Paco Pons Alcoy is named President and Toño Pons Casañ, Executive Director.



Importaco Turkey is born

We create Importaco Turkey to process and package dried fruits and nuts. We obtain ISO 14001, certification of the Environmental Management System.


Agua de Bronchales

We purchase the Agua de Bronchales bottling plant. We open purchasing offices in the United States, Turkey, Argentina, and China.


Agua Doy and Font Teix

We purchase the mineral water bottling plants of AguaDoy, in Calera y Chozas (Toledo), and Font Teix, in Bunyola (Balearic Islands).


Toño Pons, Importaco President.

Toño Pons Casañ is appointed president at a time of major expansion for the company in the nuts and mineral water markets.



2020 Integration of Besana

We acquire the Italian company Besana, specialising in nuts and dried fruit for retail. Inauguration of the seed production centre in Sagunto.

Importaco Ecosystem

We grow nuts, such as almonds and peanuts, applying sustainable and regenerative agriculture standards in our fields in Spain, Portugal, and Argentina.

With more than 80 years of history, we are leaders in the production, manufacture and distribution of nuts, snacks, chocolate-covered nuts, dried fruits, and seeds.

We commercialise mineral water extracted from four springs. We are the second largest mineral water group in Spain and serve the retail and food service markets.

Importaco Today

We are a global company. The international focus of our business is reflected in the location of our production sites and commercial activity in more than 30 countries.


growth in the 2023 financial year

Our management model


We improve people’s health and wellbeing through responsible production and consumption. Innovation, quality, and sustainability are essential aspects of delivering nutritious and healthy mineral water and nuts.


We promote people-centred, sustainable, and universal development. We apply science to make our products accessible to all population groups, including people with food allergies.


Trust, rigour, and participation are the values that define us and enable us to strengthen a shared vision. Through these values, we build an ethical culture by working together towards the same goals.

Our code of ethics

People help us to grow

Ethics and Compliance Channel

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