Importaco nuts factory certified as Zero Waste

27 Apr, 2021

Importaco Nuts Factory in Beniparrell has been certified Zero Waste by AENOR. This certification recognizes the environmental management in Importaco, in which over 99% of the waste generated in the production center is reassessed and recycled. This essential process guarantees an eco-efficient and circular production, as it prevents wastes from being sent to landfills. This certification is a recognition of the commitment of Importaco with sustainability, and the company aims to certify all nut production centers by 2025.

The proper waste management allows the creation of new raw materials and guarantees economic sustainability, as well as having a positive effect on both natural resources and ecosystems. The systems to reduce, classify and recycle the generated waste in Importaco, has permitted the annual reassessment of 5,000 tons waste, generating energy and materials such as cardboard or plastic. Besides, with Acteco lids and caps collection program, Importaco has collaborated with Novaterra Foundation financing the project “Trip to dignity” aiming the occupational reintegration of people in risk of social exclusion.

According to the circular economy policies, Importaco has committed the whole staff with the importance of proper waste management for its recycling and reuse. All production centers in the nut business follow the zero waste policy, but the certified center generates over 60% of the waste in the nut area.

Eco-efficient production center

Importaco production centers are designed to be eco-efficient, following the measures guaranteeing natural resources consumption reduction and circular processes. Currently, the centers use renewable energy only, avoiding the annual emission of 1,700 tons of CO2; the generated waste is also recycled and the water consumption is being reduced every year. All Importaco centers are certified with ISO 14001 environmental management standard.

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